22-09-2014 // 5,191 lượt xem
Mean values obtained in aril tissues were 1342 µg trans-, 204 µg cis-, and 2227 µg total lycopene; 597 µg trans-, 39 µg cis-, and 718 µg total â-carotene; and 107 µg R-carotene/g FW. Mesocarp contained 11 µg trans-, 5 µg cis-â-carotene/g FW, trace amounts of R-carotene, and no lycopene. Gac aril contained 22 % fatty acids by weight, composed of 32% oleic, 29% palmitic, and 28% linoleic acids. Seeds contained primarily stearic acid (60.5%), smaller amounts of linoleic (20%), oleic (9%), and palmitic (5-6 % ) acids, and trace amounts of arachidic, cis-vaccenic, linolenic, and palmitoleic, eicosa-11-enoic acids, and eicosa-13-enoic (in one fruit only) acids.
20-09-2014 // 2,892 lượt xem
ガック(Gac)の特徴は、抗酸化作用(アンチエイジング)の働きがあるリコピン(リコペン)がトマトの約83倍、βカロテン(βカロチン)がニンジンの約8倍含まれていることです(弊社が財団法人日本食品分析センターに依頼した分析結果より)。 現在までに、リコピンに関しては抗酸化性、メラニン生成抑制、生活習慣病予防効果が、またβカロテンの機能性として、抗酸化作用、老化予防、抗動脈硬化作用などが報告されております。さらにガックにはビタミンAやEも含まれています
20-09-2014 // 4,649 lượt xem
Gac Vietnam contains the highest concentration of beta carotene of any known fruit or vegetable (ten times as much as carrots). Beta carotene is a reddish antioxidant that shows up in a host of fruits and vegetables, from apricots to pumpkins.
Gac Fruit Viet Nam– Health Benefits
20-09-2014 // 0 lượt xem
Laboratory testing and scientific research have shown that Gac Fruit contains: 70 Times More Lycopene Than Tomatoes 20 Times More Beto-carotene Than Carrots 40 Times More Vitamin C Than Oranges 40 Times More Zeaxanthin Than Yellow Corn